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Passmores Academy

Passmores Academy

Improving upon our best


Welcome to Passmores Academy

As a visitor to our school, it is important that you are aware of our safeguarding procedures. Please ask a member of staff if you are unsure of anything in this leaflet.

Safeguarding and promoting the welfare of children is everyone’s responsibility. Everyone who comes into contact with children and their families has a role to play (Keeping Children Safe in Education, DfE 2022)

  • All visitors should be prepared to provide formal identification and, where required, evidence of their Disclosure and Barring Service (DBS) Check (this may be a letter from an employer to confirm the appropriate DBS check has been obtained).
  • All visitors must wear the lanyard and sticker provided upon signing in – this must be always worn and kept visible.
  • Where visitors have parked on school site, they must ensure their registration details are provided when they sign in on the machine.
  • All visitors must sign out and hand in the lanyard and sticker provided when leaving the school site.

We take safeguarding very seriously in our school.  Everyone in school has a role to play in keeping children safe.  The Safeguarding Team are:

       Mrs L Goddard  (DSL)

          Ms J Connolly

         Mrs L Guyton

      Mrs L Brown

       Mrs N Wilkins           

       Mrs R Ahmad 


What is Abuse?

Abuse is maltreatment of a child.  This may be neglect, any form of physical, emotional or sexual mistreatment that leads to harm or injury, or failure to protect a child from harm. It can happen to any child regardless of their age, gender, race or ability and may be inflicted on the child by an adult/adults or another child or children. 

What to do if you are worried about a student?

You may observe something or become aware of information about a student which concerns you while you are in school.  If you are worried about a student, it is important that you share your concerns.  Please speak to the member of staff you are with or to Reception who will locate a member of the Safeguarding Team.

What to do if a student makes a disclosure:

  • React calmly, listen without displaying shock, disbelief or making judgements.
  • Do not promise confidentiality – explain that you must share the information with a staff member.
  • Reassure the student, but only so far as is honest and reliable.
  • Do not interrogate the student, ask leading questions or criticise the alleged perpetrator.
  • Make accurate notes (record the date, time, place, your observations and exactly what the student has said) and share this with a member of the Safeguarding Team immediately.
  • Follow the school Child Protection / Safeguarding Policy at all times.

What to do if you have concerns about a member of staff:

If you are concerned about the conduct of a member of staff following something you have observed or a disclosure, you must report this to one of the Co-Principals. If your concern is about the Headteacher/Co-Principal, you must report this to the Chair of Governors (Reception will provide contact details for the Chair of Governors).

What to do to keep yourself safe:

  • Always speak to students calmly and respectfully.
  • Avoid physical contact with students unless you are preventing them from harming themselves or others.
  • Avoid being alone with any student – you should not do so unless there is a specific reason to do so and other staff are aware. 
  • Always tell someone if a student touches you or speaks to you inappropriately (record the incident, including the time and date, and give this to the Headteacher (Co-Principal) or DSL.
  • Never exchange personal contact details with a student or arrange to meet them outside of the school environment.
  • Never have contact with a student on social media.
  • Never use a personal mobile phone or camera around students.
  • Never discuss confidential information outside of school or on-line.

Fire and emergency evacuation:

If a continuous alarm sounds, exit by the nearest fire exit and make your way to the Astroturf.  Please wait there until you are given permission to re-enter the building.  If you discover a fire, please activate the alarm and inform a member of staff if possible.

First Aid:

If you need First Aid assistance, please inform a member of staff.  Visitors should not treat students unless permission has been given. In an emergency do not hesitate to call 999 for an ambulance.

Accidents and Incidents:

Please report any accident to Reception.

Use of school internet:

All users of the school systems and Wi-Fi must comply with the Safe Data Policy.

Use of cameras / mobile phones while on site:

Please do not take photographs while in the building unless permission has been granted by a member of SLT.